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EPS Awards 2020: Why and Who to Nominate

The EPS Awards Nominations are still open and will close on Friday!

Many of you may still be wondering what the EPS Awards is all about, and more importantly why and who you should nominate.

What are the EPS Awards?

The Awards is your chance to make sure CSS, our Committee, and our Members are recognised for all of the hard work we have put in to all of the amazing events you enjoyed over this last academic year. Traditionally, the Awards culminates in one big awards evening in the Great Hall after exams. However, the unprecedented circumstances this year means that the awards will be hosted virtually online on the 19th June. But don’t worry, you’re still welcome to dress up in your fanciest black tie at home.

There are 13 Awards up for grabs, these are:

Most of the Awards can be won by a team, a person, or an event, and they are open to anybody in the society (not just Committee Members), except for the obvious Inspirational Committee Member Award. We, as the Committee also choose a winner for a Member of the Year and Staff Member of the Year. You can also see the past winners on the Awards Website.

See the 2019 Winners.

Who should I nominate?

We appreciate that each member of our society may not know everything that has happened, and who made all of our great events possible. That’s why we have put together a list of who we think deserves to win an Award from around Computer Science. We also know that many of the Award titles may seem ambiguous, so make sure you read the description to know what each is about.

Sports Personality of the Year

This Award recognises those sportspeople who have shown commitment and enthusiasm in their discipline. They are motivational personalities, generous with their time in supporting their teammates, and encourage the continual development of their team.

Who? Why?
Laura Cope Sports Rep for CSS
Andrei Mihai Football Captain for the CS team, and helped with organising the CSS Team at the EPS Trophy

Outstanding Event Award

This Award recognises exceptional, inclusive and original or evolved events. They encourage attendees to learn a new skill or meet new people, are informative or inspirational, and offer unique and engaging opportunities to society members. These events are impactful, whether they empower one person or 100, are well-organised and support the student experience within the College or wider University.

What? When? Why?
IBM Qiskit Hackathon 13-16 Nov 2019 Largest event of the year, with over 120 attendees, and industrial links.
Read about the Hackathon in our November Newsletter.
International Movie Nights 2019-20  
HackTheMidlands 4.0 26-27 Oct 2019 Largest iteration of the event so far, with near to 300 attendees.
Majorly improved the delight & welcomeness of the event with full networking and AV
Halloween Pub Quiz 29 Oct 2019  
Hack Quarantine 23 Mar - Apr 12 2020 Global, virtual hackathon spread over 3 weeks to help build solutions to the problems surrounding COVID-19.
3500+ people taking part from 6 different continents.
70+ workshops and talks delivered on the live stream.
250 projects submitted. 6000 people watching the awards ceremony on Twitch (featured on the Twitch home page).
Donated remaining funds to the WHO Fund
Justin Chadwell for DSC Workshops 2019-20 New series of workshops with new partner DSC - establishing a new Club at UoB.
Read more about DSC here.
Jacob Wilson for Mapathon 30 Oct 2019 Independently organised a Missing Maps charity event witin a month of starting at University, mapping almost 700 buildings.
Read what Jacob had to say about his event.

Volunteer of the Year

This Award recognises individuals who have committed themselves to a cause, activity, or event for the greater good of their society, University, or wider community. They have consistently dedicated their time and effort in a selfless manner to help others succeed in their goals, overcome challenges, and undertake tasks by making valuable contributions that have positive impact.

Who? Why?
Will Russell Created and delivered workshops as part of Developer Student Clubs.
Co-Lead Hack Quarantine, a global 3 week hackathon with 3500 people in 6 continents, 70+ workshops, 250 projects.
Volunteered at hackathons all across the country, helping UoB students get started at their first hackathons, as well as delivering workshops and talks.
AV Lead and Outreach Lead for HackTheMidlands 4.0, helping improve the quality of the AV throughout the event, and trying to get as many under 18s involved as possible, by delivering talks and workshops at schools around the country.
Founded Hackathons for Schools to get more under 18s involved with hackathons and technology opportunities.
Jacob Wilson Mapathon Event (see above about the event)
Keerthi Rachamallu CSS Multicultural Events series.
HackTheMidlands Volunteer
Tom Goodman Represents PGRs at all levels of the University, charing the Staff Research Student Consultative Committee (SRSCC), and attending College Education Committee (CEC), College Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee (CQAAC), Graduate Research Board (GRB), Senate, and more.
Has been on the committee for 4 years now, and about to start 5th term as a committee member.
Works in the wider community too, as a School Governor, CEO of HackTheMidlands CIC, and various other work with organisations like the British Computer Society (BCS)
Justin Chadwell  
Likkan Chung Given countless hours to publicise events and write regular newsletters for the Society Website.
Ensuring drinks, snacks and refreshments are set up and provided at Society events throughout the year.
Outreach with Computer Science Applicants during Offer Holder Visit Day, talking about societies and live as a student at University.
HackTheMidlands Organiser

Outreach Award

This Award recognises the dedication of those who work to deliver outreach activities to local schools or the general public. Those volunteering see it as part of their role as a student to inform and educate on a multi-generational level and are actively involved in sharing discovery.

Who? Why?
Will Russell Founded Hackathons for Schools to help schools run their own hackathons and technology opportunities for under 18s.
Working on a sixth form digital work experience week.
Started the HackTheMidlands School Outreach Initiative to get more under 18s involved with hackathons.
Lauren Alie Reached out to schools and communities to get them involved with tech opportunities from Hackathons for Schools
HackTheMidlands Engaged with local schools to introduce hackathons to school aged students
Tom Goodman HackTheMidlands.
Work as a School Governor.
Science Communicator Outreach, Westmere Scholar work, etc.

Diversity and Inclusion Award

This Award recognises individuals or societies who reach out to every member of the University community, going above and beyond to ensure everyone is equally involved and represented. Their actions are changing the culture of the University and instilling the values of equality, diversity and inclusion in the foundations of their society.

Who? Why?
Keerthi Rachamallu Organised CSS’ first ever multicultural series of events including international movie night and lantern making for Chinese New Year
EPS Community EDI Committee (EPSCEDI) Discussed EDI issues that were relevant for all EPS societies, e.g. more involvement with international students, etc.
Encouraged society collaboration.
CSS x oSTEM Bletchley Park Trip
Tom Goodman Founded EPS Community EDI Committee (EPSCEDI).
Student Lead for E&D in School of Computer Science.
Worked at all levels of University (School/College/University level) to improve EDI
Lauren Alie  
Selma Kander Successfully engaged the international community with CSS events
Leela Muppala  
Tianhao Li  

Industrial Award

This Award recognises individuals or societies whose success in forging industrial links has had a significant impact on their fellow students. Their activities encourage skills development and employability, offer an insight into possible careers paths and support the transition from education to employment.

Who? Why?
CSS Worked with and gained sponsorships for the society and events from IBM, Developer Student Clubs, the University, Kainos and others.
Justin Chadwell Established a local Google Developer Student Club - ran various workshops throughout the year.
Local Hack Day organiser and workshop deliverer.
Gained sponsorship for CSS from Netcompany.
Killu-Smilla Palk Connection to Kainos gave us sponsortship for the CSS Ball this year
Tom Goodman Raised over £120,000 over the last 4 years for local events and initiatives, including CSS.
Works with industrial bodies like the BCS, Silicon Canal, etc., and recently joined the board of Brum.AI
Finalist for the Future Faces Award at the Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, and won “Rising Star in Tech” (in the West Midlands) at the Silicon Canal Awards.

EPS Community Award

This Award recognises exemplary contributions of individual student members or entire societies who make new connections across the College and encourage collaboration and inclusivity within the Community.

Who? Why?
Cristian Calauz  
Justin Chadwell  

Inspirational Committee Member

This Award recognises those committee members who are dedicated to the success of their society in terms of empowerment, engagement, and inclusion for the benefit of all members. These people are fully committed to the running of their society, have exhibited exceptional organisational skills, and enable their society to thrive.

Who? Why?
Likkan Chung Publicity Rep for the Society.
Worked hard publicise events and write regular newsletters for the Society Website.
Ensuring drinks, snacks and refreshments are set up and provided at Society events throughout the year.
Helped to redevelop CSS’ public brand: redeveloping the website and social media platforms.
Outreach with Computer Science Applicants during Offer Holder Visit Day, talking about societies and live as a student at University.
HackTheMidlands Organiser
Cristian Calauz President of the Society
Tianhao Li PGT Rep of the Society
Lauren Alie Special Events Rep for the Soceity
Keerthi Rachamallu DIE Rep for the Society.
Organised CSS’ first ever multicultiral event series.
Engaged significantly with the first years to make them feel welcome in CSS.

See below in the Role Model list for more suggestions, many of them apply here too.

Role Model of the Year

This Award recognises individuals who have gone above and beyond to represent their society by embodying its core values and instilling them in others. They exemplify the best within themselves, and are recognised as a role model for their achievements.

Who? Why?
Justin Chadwell Delivered many technical workshops as part of Google’s DSC.
Committed 2 year (committee) member of both AFNOM and CSS, and a HackTheMidlands Organiser.
Worked hard to initiate development of a new website, implementing new ideas to the page.
Jonathan Rudman 2 year committed member of CSS.
Organised several social events for CSS including pub nights and Christmas market trips.
Friendly and engages with the whole CSS community.
Will Russell Involved and started running DSC workshops.
Initiated Hackathons For Schools - a initiative to involve local school children in hackathons.
Engaged many CSS members in hackathons - organising walking trains and delivering further workshops.
Co-leader of Hack Quarantine designed to bring together the tech community during COVID-19.
HackTheMidlands AV Lead, Outreach Lead and Dedicated Safeguarding Person.
George Baker Committed member of CSS

Head of College Idea of the Year

This Award recognises innovative new projects and events that have had a significant impact on the schools or societies involved this academic year.

WhatTheCTF?! by Afnom
Hack Quarantine
EPS Community EDI Committee (EPSCEDI)

The Great Achievement in EPS Award

This Award recognises outstanding contributions to the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, encapsulates the positive traits celebrated through all other Awards, and seeks to recognise exceptional individuals within the EPS Societies. These are our future leading alumni.

Who? Why?
Tom Goodman Served 3 years as President of CSS, and 1 as Secretary (about to serve 2nd term as Secretary now). Raised over £120,000 for events and initiatives in the local community.
Trustee of the Guild of Students, CEO of HackTheMidlands CIC, Director of Brum.AI, worked in various other positions with the BCS, Silicon Canal, etc.
Worked beyond just CSS in the EPS community, founding & co-chairing the EPSCEDI Committee, running numerous joint events with WISE and oSTEM, and sitting on a variety of committees.
Fellow of 3 learned societies - including Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in recognition of his extensive teaching work.
Cristian Calauz Led the committee in time of crisis (Covid-19)
Stefan Nedelcu  

Society of the Year 2019/20

This Award celebrates those societies that have pushed the boundaries and delivered more than ever before. Through outstanding events, innovative projects and activities, superb organisation, and raising awareness, these societies provide an exceptional, well-rounded and inclusive experience to their members. They embody the ethos of the EPS Community.


How to Nominate

Simply head over to the EPS Awards Nomination Page. Choose which Award you’ll like to nominate a person, event or group for and write your nomination. Make sure to read the rules on nominations - they mustn’t be plagiarised and remember the judges are looking for quality over quantity. You have up to 250 of your own words to use, so don’t just copy out what we’ve written above, but tell the judges why you think it deserves to win.

Nominations close on Friday 22nd May at 23:59 (BST) so nominate now!