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Spring 2021

Hello everyone!

It’s been a wild rollercoaster of a year, but the Spring term for CSS has been a great success. Following our start in Autumn, we’ve continued to hold the variety of engaging events that we’re known for and, with our newly-elected committee, CSS is well-prepared for the upcoming academic year.

After Winter exams, we hosted a week-long Minecraft build competition on the CSS Minecraft server, as well as having a series of online events like the Missing Maps mapathon and a virtual board games night. It all culminated in a big evening of Minecraft gaming, with Hide and Seek and a Treasure Hunt. At the end of January, we also opened sales for our sought-after CSS Hoodies, which you can now see fellow CSS members wearing around campus. Some of our more recent events include chess tournaments, talks from UoB alumni in celebration of International Women’s Day, and of course, our regular well-known Discord Quiz nights.

In collaboration with AFNOM, we helped organise and produce a set of lightning talks, with a range of topics from speed-running, to AI art and tips on managing your finances. It was lovely to see members of the CS community share what they were passionate about, and we look forward to more talks like these in the future! You can check out the recording of this stream and others on our Youtube Channel.

A slide from CSS x AFNOM lighting talks One of many fun topics featured in the CSS x AFNOM lightning talks

The Developer Student Club has also been hard at work at holding workshops for you all! This term we had workshops on using Gradle, React, and an introduction to Python. We also gathered people together to compete in an international coding competition - Hash Code, with participating teams performing spectacularly - well done to everyone that participated! Alongside DSC, we also hosted another Tech Talk from our sponsor Kainos about working in agile development, and an introduction to LaTeX via a series of workshops by Andreea.

This year, CSS had its first Virtual Ball. We hosted it online using, with each attendee getting their dinner paid for the night as well as a wax-sealed letter complete with personalised ticket and complimentary sticker. The night was a complete joy both to host and to attend and it allowed many of our members to meet face-to-virtual-face for the first time. We hope those of you that were there enjoyed it as much as we did!

Collage of attendees at the CSS Ball Thank you to everyone that came to the CSS Ball!

We also had our Annual General Meeting, where all the positions on committee go up for election. We had some good competition, and managed to fill all the spaces on our committee. The new committee has already had an amazing start, jumping right into organising as restrictions continue to lift. You can see the results of these elections on our social media, and we’ll soon be updating the website’s committee page to reflect the changes. Stay tuned!

That covers everything that the outgoing committee of 2020-2021 helped organise. We’ve counted 44 events this year and that’s in a pandemic! Hopefully you’ve enjoyed being a part of CSS this year - if you have, please consider nominating us for the EPS Awards! The EPS awards help recognise the efforts of not only us volunteers on the CSS committee, but all student groups in EPS. If you enjoyed a particular event, or someone has been a real stand-out committee member, go ahead and nominate it! The link to nominate is here!

2021/22 CSS Committee The 2021-2022 committee, feat. some of the outgoing committee as well

It’s been lovely being the president of CSS, tough at times but I don’t regret a second of it. Best of luck to next year’s committee; you guys will do great!
Jacqui, Outgoing President of CSS

Thank you to each and every member for your continued support this year on Discord and at our events. We look forward to welcoming you to even more great events over the next year!
Likkan, President Elect