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Freshers Welcome 2019

Congratulations on your place to study at the University of Birmingham - we look foward to seeing you all in September!

What is CSS?

CSS is the departmental society for the School of Computer Science, and one of the over 300 student groups which are part of the Guild of Students. Being a student is not just about working hard, you have to enjoy it too! That is why CSS is working making sure to create events and provide a medium through which computer scientists can meet, make friends, and partake in a whole lot of exciting activities.

What events do you run?

We run a variety of events, including but not limited to:

We also organise special events, such as trips, Christmas meals and others. We are also completely open to suggestions, so if there is an event you would like us to host, just let us know! We also provide free pizza at almost every event, last year reaching half a ton of pizza eaten by our members.

How do I get involved?

Our membership costs only £5 for one year. This gives you access to all of our events and you will also get a CSS T-Shirt. We will also be holding some elections at the start of the semester, and we need a First Year Rep, so if you think this sounds like something you would be interested in, keep your eyes peeled for announcements in the first weeks.

Freshers’ Week

Freshers’ Week is the perfect opportunity for you to get involved with the society, as well as meeting the other people on your course. To make sure that you have the best Freshers’ Week possible, we are hard at work organising some awesome events for all of you. There will be much more information once you get here, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled during Freshers’.


A hackathon is a (usually 24h) event during which teams create a piece of software for certain challenges given by companies, which may win them awesome prizes! They are a great way to meet new people, talk with companies of all sizes, including the likes of IBM, Google and others, and learn new things while developing your project. Each year we encourage our members to come to hacktahons, some of them being organised by us. Two of the most important ones are the Google Hash Code, which we organise each year in our campus, and HackTheMidlands (visit [])

HackTheMidlands will take place at the end of October, and it is one of the biggest hackathons held in Birmingham. The tickets are free, and CSS has some reserved for our members. (Just use the code “CSSUOB” at checkout).

Find out more

In the meantime you can follow us on social media to get the latest updates on our events.

Twitter: @cssbham

Instagram: @cssbham

Facebook: CSSUoB


See you in September!

CSS Committee