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AGM 2020: Committee Election Results

On Wednesday this week, the ballots for the Committee Elections closed as part of our 2020 AGM. The Guild have now sent over to us and we are proud to announce our new committee for the academic year 2020-21.

The results are as follows:

Position Elected Candidate
President Jacqueline Henes
Treasurer Jake Foster
Secretary Tom Goodman
Vice President Valeria Popescu
Interim First Year Rep Ammaar Sultan
Publicity Rep George Baker
International Student Rep Adrian David
Special Events Rep Jacob Wilson
Socials Rep Robert Hallam
Sports Rep Daniel-Stefan Stocia
Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Rep Leela Muppala
Industrial Liaison Likkan Chung
Postgraduate Taught Rep No Candidate Elected
Postgraduate Research Rep Dan Clark

Congratulations to all of those who have been elected! The current committee will be in touch with that next steps regarding training and handover. We would also like to wish a well done to all the other candidates who have not been successful. Your campaigns were excellently fought and it’s clear how much effort you have put into them. Although you may not be on committee, that doesn’t mean you can’t help us to put on excellent events throughout next year, and you can always run again next year.