AGM 2020: An Introduction
- Date Posted: Apr 22, 2020
Currently, we are holding our elections for next year’s committee as part of our (now online) Annual General Meeting (AGM). The committee’s role within the society is to manage the group and organise all of the events which are run throughout the event - everything from the tech workshops to the big events such as our annual Ball. Committee is also responsible for managing the group’s finances and recruiting new members.
All society members are eligible to run for a role on the committee. The elections run throughout this week and next week. Those who want to run for a position can nominate themselves on the Guild website, until Friday 24th April, 4pm. The nominated members are then voted in between 12pm on Monday 27th and 4pm on Wednesday 27th April. Voting will also take place on the Guild website.
Although we, as committee members, all work together in one big team, each role also has its own individual responsibilities - from taking care of the finances, to publicising all of the events. Being a committee member takes a lot of time and effort, but I would say it is definitely worth the outcome. The society, committee and our elections are governed by our Constitution, which you can read in full here.
The role of the President of the society is one of the most important in the society. The President chairs committee meetings and coordinates with the rest of the committee to make sure events happen. They also represent the group and liaise with the Guild, and chair the AGM and any EGMs.
Traditionally, the President has been the one to give speeches at various events, such as welcoming the Freshers at the Welcome Talks, and at the Christmas Meal and Ball.
The Treasurer looks after the finances of the society. They communicate and advise with the committee to regularly report on the financial status, so that events can be run effectively. They also liaise with the Student Groups department within the Guild so as to maintain the group’s accounts.
They also prepare applications for grants and funding, as well as budgets to support the finance of the society. The Treasurer also maintains an inventory of our equipment and hardware lab.

Stefan Nedelcu
Treasurer 2018-20
"CSS have enriched my student experience since day one and I felt I had to give something back. So I got myself involved in the elections and thanks to our members I've been the treasurer of CSS for the past two years. The most rewarding part of it has to be knowing that I contributed to so many successful and enjoyable events. It is a unique kind of fulfilment when you see members of a community having a great time and knowing you helped to make it happen. It was also an opportunity to gain experience in the world of accounting, finances and the logistics behind event planning. I had to hone some skills and learn some things that may very well come in handy in my career. Unfortunately, my journey is over, as I'm due to graduate this year, but I rest assured that the society will remain in good hands of my peers."
The role of the Secretary is to keep everything documented, by taking minutes in meetings between the committee, and at AGMs and EGMs. They also maintain and keep members and their memberships up to date, and correspond with members. They ensure that group promotions and activities also encourage and increase awareness of participation.
The Secretary also works with the Guild Student Groups department to ensure all of the records are kept current.

Tom Goodman
Secretary 2019-20, President 2016-19
"Hey! I'm Tom, the current Secretary. One of my fave parts about this year has been being able to step back and support the committee, rather than taking a leading role, and see all of the awesome work they've done. One of the highlights has gotta be the incredible CSS Ball this year that Lauren spearheaded!"
The Vice-President helps the President complete their job. They organise meetings if the President cannot and assumes chair duties. They also make sure the committee members are happy and communicate with the committee to deal with any arising issues. The Vice-President also engages a lot in organising events.
First Year Rep
The First Year Rep is a first year student who engages the society with their year group and fellow students. They do this by promoting the society and encourage non-members to join the society. The rep also actively helps in organising events and feeds back ideas to the committee from first year students.
The First Year Rep elected in the Spring AGM is an interim rep. This means that they hold their position until an EGM is held at the start of the new academic year, when a new first year student is elected. During this time as a committee member, they engage with first years such as in Welcome Week.

Valeria Popescu
First Year Rep 2019-20
"I can say that I’m really grateful for having the opportunity to be part of the committee this year. I loved especially the preparations for the CSS ball, but also for the events like Google Hash Code, the Qiskit hackathon, Spring celebration and the Halloween pub quiz as they were the ones that brought the community together and where people had lots of fun."

Michael Staig
Interim First Year Rep 2019
"I enjoyed being able to help out the transition between sixth form and first-year for all the newcomers into the university. Planning and helping out with various events was fun and something I hadn't really done before, so it was great to be able to get some experience in that."
Publicity Rep
The Publicity rep organises the promotion of the society and its events to all students within Computer Science, encouraging engagement and membership. They do this by making posters, social media posts and directly conversing with members.
The rep also maintains the professional image of the society and takes part in PR activities.

Likkan Chung
Publicity Rep 2019-20
"I've really enjoyed this year as a Publicity Rep. I'm proud of the changes I've helped to make over the year, such as the website and these (more regular) newsletters. My favourite moments have been working with the team to create events like the Ball and seeing members enjoy the event which we put a lot of work in to make great."
International Student Rep
The International Student Rep helps to promote the event to students who are from outside the United Kingdom, as well as encouraging non-members to become members. They also help to organise events and feedback to the committee from international members.
Special Events Rep
The role of the Special Events Rep is to lead the organisation of large, joint or one-off events for the society. They work with the rest of the committee to ensure that events are well planned and successful.

Lauren Alie
Special Events Rep 2019-20
"I had a fantastic time being CSS Special Events Rep. It's a great role because I've been able to help out with all sort of events throughout the year, such as our international events and Local Hack Day which I was able to present. Organising the CSS ball was really fun being able to bring new ideas for the event this year."
Socials Rep
The Socials Rep takes care of smaller, regular meet-ups and socials. They work with the rest of the committee to ensure that events are well planned and successful. Events they run include pub nights, and other meetups like film nights.
Sports Rep
The Sports Rep organises and coordinates events focusing on sports, includng E-sports. They work with the rest of the committee to ensure that events are well planned and successful. Sports events might include football, badminton, dodgeball, etc. and they are also responsible to organising team training and entry into the annual EPS Trophy.
Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Rep
The Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity (DIE) Rep coordinates and organises events which better the representation of interests and needs from diverse groups within the society. They ensure the society always caters to the needs of all its members by addressing any diversity and inclusivity related concerns.
They also handle outreach to diverse groups, encouraging a wider range of people to engage with the society no matter of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, personal background, or any other factor. They also work with other societies on campus and companies to promote diverse schemes and further.
This rep also attends the School of Computer Science Diversity & Equality Committee as a representative of CSS, as well as the EPS Community Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Committee.
Industrial Liaison
The Industrial Liaison reaches out to corporate partners to secure sponsorship for the society. They also promote relevant schemes from these partners, and organise events which are beneficial to members.
They are the voice of CSS in the tech industry, actively persuing networking and partnership opportunities for the society.
Postgraduate Taught Rep
The Postgraduate Taught (PGT) Rep is a PGT student who engages the society to their peers on PGT courses. They do this by promoting the society and encourage non-members to join the society. The rep also actively helps in organising events and feeds back ideas to the committee from PGT students.
The PGT Rep elected in the Spring AGM is an interim rep. This means that they hold their position until an EGM is held at the start of the new academic year, when a new PGT student is elected.
Postgraduate Research Rep
The Postgraduate Research (PGR) Rep is a PGR student who engages the society to students on PGR courses. They do this by promoting the society and encourage non-members to join the society. The rep also actively helps in organising events and feeds back ideas to the committee from PGR students.
The rep also attends the School of Computer Science Staff Research Student Consultative Committee (SRSCC) as a representative of CSS.
I hope you found this brief overview of what we do as a committee informative. If you are a member, please remember vote on who you want to run the society in the next year.
Thanks for reading,