CSS Hoodies are now on sale! Get yours now at cssbham.com/hoodies
Ham hock & Cumberland sausage roulade, sweet potato spring onion salsa & sage crisps
- dairy free
- OR -
Pan fried chilli polenta, roasted ginger beets, samphire with an orange and coriander dressing
- vegan & gluten free
Pan seared thyme and garlic chicken, creamy dauphinoise potato, sautéed green beans, baby carrots, and thyme chicken jus
- gluten free
- OR -
Chargrilled sweet potato dome filled with ratatouille, courgette, and carrot crisps, and chive cream
- vegan & gluten free
Belgian dark chocolate mousse with caramelised clementine orange and deep-fried mint
- vegan & gluten free
We will try to make sure meals are altered to account for any dietary requirements you may have. Please let us know what these are when you purchase your ticket.